Delphi Links

On this page you’ll find some links to Delphi sites I have found very useful. Also have a look at my blogs link page.

DocWiki for RAD Studio
The online help for RAD Studio (Delphi and C++Builder) as a (mostly read-only) wiki, maintained by Embarcadero. This site is frequently updated and therefore usually more up-to-date than the online help that ships with the product. They say the help for the product is generated from the wiki.
All Delphi blogs in one place. The site automatically collects many different feeds from blogs, newsgroups and other Delphi sites. It publishes short excerpts from these postings or articles on the front page.
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Eric Grange’s site for Delphi and FreePascal blogs in one place. Similar to DelphiFeeds, but also for FreePascal and with more blogs. Also quicker on the uptake of new blogs.
The new forums, created to house the many former Google+ groups for Delphi. Delphi-PRAXIS used to be a German speaking site only, now there is an English version. Requires a login.
Idera Community — Developer Tools
The new Embarcadero forums for Delphi and C++Builder. Requires a new login.
Marco Cantù
Marco Cantù is one of the most important authors and speakers on Delphi. Some of his books are available online, for free. He is now the Product Manager for Delphi, FireMonkey and DataSnap at Embarcadero.
Torry’s Delphi Pages
A very good and long-existing site for Delphi components and utilities. This site is also mirrored by many other servers.
Earl F. Glynn’s Computer Lab
Earl has a very extensive site with thousands of useful tips and tricks, links, not only, but foremost about Delphi.
Another very useful site for Delphi related information and components.
A very popular site with questions and answers for very many programming problems. The link above is for the Delphi “tag”.
High Performance Delphi
A — slightly old, but WRT techniques still very up-to-date — page with Robert Lee’s optimization tips for various aspects of Delphi programming. Highly recommended for speed junkies. This is hosted by Eric Grange’s site DelphiTools. He also provides a zip of HTML files and a PDF file.
The site for the GExperts experts for Delphi and C++Builder, a must have free tool. Also a very valuable site for information about the Delphi/C++Builder/C#Builder Open Tools API.
Site of the excellent GXExplorer components, now on SourceForge.
JEDI Initiative
Report to the Delphi Community on Project JEDI by Alan C. Moore.
Delphi Home Page
The Embarcadero site for the current Delphi version.
Embarcadero Quality Portal
The bug reporting site for Embarcadero products. You can also request new features. Requires a login.
Embarcadero Developer Network
The site with developer information for users of Embarcadero products. Requires a login.
Embarcadero CodeCentral
Embarcadero’s user code reposititory for their development products. Requires a login.

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