Free code

The programs, units and IDE experts I write are mostly for my own use. But some of them may also be of use to others, or at least form the base of a useful program, so here is some of it.

Currently, the following programs and experts can be downloaded:

Name Download Description
BigIntegers for Delphi Now on GitHub A unit implementing a BigInteger type, optimized for speed, accuracy and convenience. It can hold integers with up to 1 billion decimal digits.
BigDecimals for Delphi Now on GitHub A unit implementing a BigDecimal type, based on BigInteger. It can hold extremely huge decimals while being far more precise than floating point.
Decimals unit A unit defining the Decimal type, largely compatible with the type of the same name in .NET, for Delphi 2009 and above.
Console unit Now on GitHub A Console unit for Windows, largely compatible with the Turbo Pascal Crt unit.
AutoConsole unit Now on GitHub A unit that displays “Press any key…” when a console program ends and it was not started from the Windows Command Prompt.
VCL Component Installer A replacement for the ComponentInstall Component menu item and dialog present in Delphi 1 – 7, to install a component into the IDE.

In Delphi XE and later, this was taken over by Embarcadero and incorporated into the IDE.
Conversion Pack An expert which adds a few menu items to Delphi. It enables you to perform some often repeated actions when converting C/C++ API headers.
VCL Components Some of my (old) VCL components
Command line tools Now on GitHub A few console programs I have written.
IDE Explorer A simple IDE Explorer for the Delphi 2005 IDE. With a few modifications (for loops, etc.), it should also compile and work in Delphi 7.
Greppola A .NET program for the comfortable use of regular expressions.
Folderama A simple tool, residing in the info area of the taskbar, which enables you to quickly select a folder from a menu.
INS-less keyboard bindings Now on GitHub A unit replacing the key combinations to do clipboard Cut, Copy or Paste of any Delphi editor keymapping with keys that do not require the Ins key, for systems with a keyboard that does not have one.

These programs and units come with full source code, and are free for your own use. Please read the disclaimers in the source files, though. Unless the license states something else, you are free to modify these programs for your own use, but please inform me of any improvements you made.

If you have questions, suggestions, etc. on one of the pieces of source code, please e-mail me.


I do not accept any responsibility about the usability or in case of any damage caused by the use of my components or files. Use them at your own risk. If they don’t work properly, you have the sources.

Rudy Velthuis

Standard Disclaimer for External Links

These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. I bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

Disclaimer and Copyright

The coding examples presented here are for illustration purposes only. The author takes no responsibility for end-user use. All content herein is copyrighted by Rudy Velthuis, and may not be reproduced in any form without the author's permission. Source code written by Rudy Velthuis presented as download is subject to the license in the files.

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